When Life Gives You Lyme Write A Book
Ten years ago I was a tenured college professor and department chair of business management. I was teaching a series of classes on leadership that I had developed. I had a great schedule, and I loved what I was doing. It was a very rewarding career and life. I had worked hard and I was now In the type of position I dreamed of. My six children were entering adulthood, and I had a beautiful loving wife.
I started to not feel well. I had always been a hard worker and I made up for my weaknesses by just working harder. But now as a series of puzzling symptoms started appearing there were no reserves. I was finding it impossible to keep up with my teaching. I started searching out doctors and taking test. The doctors could not come up with a diagnosis. After several years of struggling I was forced to retire early. Way to early. Life has a way of throwing your curves.
I did not know what was wrong with me. I could not work and support my family. Medical insurance did not want to cover testing and treatments that I was trying. My wife and I went through our savings trying to gain back my health and to support our large family with all it's needs. It would be four years before I would get a correct diagnosis of Lyme disease. This type of story is very common with Lyme. The testing is poor and the medical community unaccepting of something they have not been trained in, and even more so of something they can not cure.
After several more years of ineffective traditional medical treatments I developed my own protocol with the assitance of several hololistic doctors. It was that effort along with the writing of my book that has led to real improvement in my health. It is the basic life lesson that you must treat the mind, the body and the spirt.
Life will throw your curves. Just when you think you have it all figured out you realize you do not. But when we learn to accept what is in front of us in the present moment we can find both lessons and gifts.